7 Facts: How to Make Your Pregnant Wife Happy

by - 3/04/2017 07:02:00 am

7 Facts How to Make Your Pregnant Wife Happy

Pregnancy is a great balance in life, it brings out the worst mood swings in a wife and the best level of tolerance in a husband_ Unknown.

I don’t know if you’ve lived with a pregnant woman before. Well, the general experience of husbands can simply be summarised as awful. Pregnant women exhibit some sort of behaviours that often times throw their husbands off balance; it brings out every bad side of the woman. But you know what? that’s the best moment to show them how much you care and cherish them.

Here I shall give you seven tips on how to make your pregnant wife happy. Although I don’t claim to exhaust all there is about this issue but this will probably give you a head start.

#1 Make her feel special

Women are naturally fragile, demanding of love and affection. What then do you imagine they’ll be when they are pregnant? It doubles. This is the moment you lavish love and care. Let her feel like she’s the queen of the world, the queen of your kingdom. Yes, she deserves that. Give her special treatment like massaging her feet, allowing her to rest her legs on your laps etc. just be innovative and ad-lib. For goodness sake, she’s caring your seed!

#2 Accompany her during every antenatal visit

Now you may say you’re busy. However, this has proven to be a very working strategy if you want your wife’s happiness. It will convince her straightaway that you share in her pains and burden. In the clinic don’t just be motionless and waiting for her to hurry up, while she’s being examined by the gynaecologist exchange glances, stroke her arms and give her an assuring smile.

#3 Take some loads off her shoulders

You can do this by simply doing some of the household chores for her. Find time and cook for her, yes, it’s very romantic for a man to cook for his pregnant wife. Try and show her empathy. Such a woman will never have any reason to nag or complain. But even if she does, don’t hesitate to show her understanding.

#4 Mollycoddle her

Pregnant women love to be pampered, it will not make you less of a man to pamper your wife. Sometimes she may have a mood swing and often get to your nerve. No matter what, keep alive the romantic side with you. Call her sweet names and find a way to fondle her.

#5 Caress her bump

Some husband may find this funny but just do it. It’s part of the unusual things you have to do just to make your queen happy. Caress her bump and talk to the unborn baby. Women like this and it draws you emotionally closer to the unborn baby.

#6 Satisfy her fiery appetite

At this stage, you should expect some weird predilections to edibles. They may demand a tonne of edible just in a space of an hour. Even if you’re not too buoyant to meet up to all her demands, give her reasons to understand that you’re trying. No matter what, don’t let her go hungry.

#7 Show pride in her pregnancy

Don’t give her reason to think otherwise. You can try many ways to show how proud you are with the pregnancy. You can try taking her out to a meeting with your friends or going out together to shop for the upcoming baby. Don’t join the team of husbands who feel their wives cannot be presented to the public because they’re pregnant and probably look less pretty.

Okay here we end to begin, hopefully, this post will give you a head start on how to make your pregnant wife happy. Remember, your wife is your queen, love her, cherish her, care for her and protect her. Let us know if you have anything to add to this tips, the comment box is open.

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  1. Honestly I quite agree with #6 they can really have, according to you, fiery appetite but now I think I owe it to her to be more providing. Thanks for this wonderful tips I must say.
